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20th Annual NFI North

Get ready for...
...A celebration of individuals and families who have received services through NFI North and how their lives have changed for the better.
The NFI North Empowerment Awards is our signature community event and most anticipated celebration where we recognize families and individuals, who have received services through NFI North and how their lives have changed for the better. It's a wonderful event and a tradition that leaders, participants and donors look forward to each year. As a special bonus, this year marks our 30th Anniversary and is sure to make it an extra special.
Unlike other nonprofit events, our luncheon is not a fundraiser. Instead, the event serves to strengthen community ties and spread the infectious values of community, empowerment and inclusion. Our team is honored to champion communities throughout Maine and New Hampshire and we hope you’ll join us in 2022.
NFI North Executive Director, Dr. Paul Dann talks about the Empowerment Awards.

Fast Facts

• The event will be held on September 8th at the Grand Summit Hotel at Attitash in Bartlett, NH
• The event begins at 11:00 a.m. with a well-attended meet and greet session, which is followed by lunch and our formal program from Noon to 2:00 p.m.
• We host approximately 180-200 attendees and make every effort to enable social distancing.
• Guests include Empowerment winners & families, Empowerment Fund donors, current and former Board members, nonprofit executives, elected officials, and business and civic leaders.
• We present the Empowerment Award Winners of 2022 and other recognition awards as appropriate.
• The event is marketed to the general public through advertising, social media and other outreach.
• Fundraising is not a part of the event, but we do encourage attendees to engage in community efforts.
Empowerment Awards
Each year we recognize individuals and families who have made significant progress towards reaching their full potential. With the help of NFI North's programs and services and through grit and determination they've successfully overcome significant obstacles. NFI services and programs include educational services, supported employment, clinical and therapeutic support, residential services and many other forms of care tailored to support the people we serve.
The families and individuals who are awarded Empowerment Awards personify NFI North's mission of inspiring and empowering people to reach their full potential and to live successfully in their own home and community.
Each Empowerment winner receives a scholarship designed to help them continue on their path of success. Past scholarships have included tuition, tools to support trade schools, vehicle repairs, family trips for children with serious illnesses and more. Scholarships are highly customized to provide the right support at the right time for the individual.

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