"Experiential learning is an important part of our program, so you'll find us outside as much as possible. Camping, fishing, sledding, swimming and out helping our local community. Every moment is an educational opportunity and a chance to empower our participants to reach their full potential. "
Lucy Underhill, Program Director
Your Child's Potential is Our Passion.
About Stetson Ranch & Stetson Ranch School
We are a residential program for youth ages 10-20 and have a fully licensed Day Treatment School with intensive family treatment components. At Stetson Ranch, kids always come first. We make every decision in the best interest of each child. We adapt our programs to accommodate the special needs of children and families and believe that when at all possible, children belong with their families. We strive to provide the support and structure that all children need and ensure that young people are physically and emotionally safe.
Our guiding vision is a commitment to helping children and youth to return to their family or other home-like setting and involving families and significant others in the treatment process is essential to the youth’s success. We work together- youth, family, and staff- to create positive pathways to reunification. Parental and community involvement includes workshops and support groups for identified topic areas. We understand that people are social and have a deep-rooted desire to belong, so we create positive, pro-social opportunities where participants can turn for a sense of belonging. We believe that with the right support, teaching, coaching, and nurturing, everyone can advance and realize their goals.
Please email nfinorthreferrals@nafi.com or email the Program Director at LucyUnderhill@nafi.com.
Stetson Ranch | 160 Lapoint Rd. Stetson, ME 04488