Transitional Enhanced Care Coordination
Serving youth ages 6-21 and their families with transitions into and out of residential care or psychiatric hospitalization.

Transitions can be tough.
When a youth requires an episode of out-of-home treatment, navigating that process can be overwhelming.
The Transitional Enhanced Care Coordination (TrECC) program is designed to help youth and families get the right level of treatment, at right time, and to help monitor the episode to ensure that treatment addresses the underlying issues. TrECC then works closely with the youth, family, and community to ensure that the transition home is well-planned, with the right supports in place to allow both the youth and families to succeed together.
TrECC helps youth & families:
· Navigate
· Communicate
· Assess
· Plan
· Regain Hope
· Reach their Treatment Goals
· Return to a Healthier Life Together
Please call (603) 729-0063 or email the Program Director at JuliePerron@nafi.com
Helping to Navigate Through Complicated Times